WALK NEWS: Both the Men's Walk and the Women's Walk are currently 'on hold.' Please check back for more information about the revised dates.
The New-Ark Area Emmaus Community is made up of persons who have attended an Emmaus Ministries or equivalent spiritual renewal experience. The Community is hosted by First United Methodist Church in Newark, Ohio.
Persons who attended an Emmaus or equivalent experience elsewhere may become members of New-Ark Area Emmaus by participating in its activities, and by registering their contact information with the Community.
Community Gatherings, open to all, are held in the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary. Gatherings are generally held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (an exception is December, when it is held on the second Tuesday). Gatherings are preceded by Sponsorship Training at 6 PM, and begin with music at 6:45 PM.
For information about Emmaus ministry event offering dates and application/registration forms, please see our Dates & Forms page.